• 土. 5月 18th, 2024

【Before visiting Japan】


10月 5, 2021

Hi. How are you doing?

thank you for watching this page. In this page, I’m going to introduce about Japan after COVID-19.

Lots of things have changed. so, before you visit Japan, check this page and prepare for travel.


① Talking in the restaurant

In Japan, it’s not recommended to talk with eating food.

Because, when we eating food, we don’t wear mask.

So, if you cough or sneeze during eating food, you spray droplets up to two meters.

then, if you have COVID-19 virus, lots of people get Covid-19 and restaurant need to close for many weeks.

so, it’s a new manners to eat food silently.

② you always need to hold a mask

if you don’t have a mask, you can’t enter shops.

so, if you forget to bring mask, please buy it at the convenience store or drug store.

③ you can’t enter Tokyo Disney resort without reserve

Now Disney resort don’t accept lots of people.

reserved person can enter Disney resort.

so, if you wanna go there, please check HP of Tokyo Disney Resort.


that’s all.

if you have any questions, plz leave a comment.


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